مقاله انگلیسی: تاثیر عناصر آمیخته بازاریابی بر وفاداری: مطالعه موردی صنعت تلفن همراه

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

The impact of marketing mix elements on brand loyalty: A case study of mobile phone industry

ترجمه عنوان مقاله:  تاثیر عناصر آمیخته بازاریابی بر وفاداری: مطالعه موردی صنعت تلفن همراه

رشته: بازاریابی

سال انتشار: 2015

تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی: 21 صفحه

منبع: الزویر و ساینس دایرکت

نوع فایل: pdf

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تاثیر عناصر آمیخته بازاریابی بر وفاداری

In today’s highly competitive markets, keeping customers and retaining their loyalty is considered crucial in maintaining business. Companies and retailers also need to look for various marketing strategies in order to improve their customers’ loyalty. Having knowledge and skills about marketing is one of the capabilities which is required for success in the competition. In consumable markets, brands are the main points of differentiation between the competitive presentations, thus, they are crucial for the success of the companies. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of marketing mix elements on brand loyalty. The present study is applicable in terms of objective and descriptive survey in terms of data collection.

To evaluate the model and hypotheses, data collection was carried out through surveying 384 mobile phone users. For data analysis and verification of the model, structural equation modeling approach (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used and based on the results of the path analysis, the relationship between the variables in the model is investigated. Results indicated the positive impact of products elements, distribution channels, and promotional activities on brand loyalty. Also, the findings showed that indexes of satisfaction and trust which are considered as mediating variables between marketing mix and brand loyalty had positive and significant impact on brand loyalty in the mobile phone industry.

Keywords: Brand Loyalty, Marketing Mix, Satisfaction, Trust, Mobile Phone Industry

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According to the challenges of business, organizations attempt to attract new customers andhave adopted the strategy of keeping the current customers and inspiring their loyalty. Therefore, the customer satisfaction is not sufficient and marketer must attempt to improve and promote their loyalty more and more. In such a paradigm, the objective is to establishlong-term relationships with beneficiaries and customers, so that more customers will be keptand fewer will be lost. In this case, market share and organization profitability will be guaranteed (Osman, Hemmington, & Bowie, 2009; Yoo, 2008). Since most of the markets are at maturity, the competition and costs of attracting new customers are sharply rising.

Moreover, the markets, in this day and age, are full of products which show no significantphysical difference. Therefore, creating an appropriate characteristic through brand will draw a great distinction between products and services. Brands reduce safety and social and financial risks of customers in buying products. These risks are considered as effective factors in evaluating the product before buying it (Doaei, Kazemi, & Hosseini Robat, 2011). As a result, the company will succeed in the market and competitive advantage will be gained (Lee & Back, 2010; Low, & Bloisb, 2002).




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