سفارش پروپوزال بررسی رابطه کیفیت خدمات الکترونیکی و بهبود کیفیت خدمات بر ارزش درک شده و وفادرای مشتری

عنوان پروپوزال: بررسی رابطه کیفیت خدمات الکترونیکی و بهبود کیفیت خدمات بر ارزش درک شده و وفادرای مشتری

http://modir3-3.ir/TRANS/modir123.com/reshte-modir123.com.png رشته تحصیلی: بازاریابی، تجارت الکترونیک

http://modir3-3.ir/TRANS/modir123.com/maghta.png مقطع: ارشد

http://modir3-3.ir/TRANS/modir123.com/page-modir123.com.PNG تعداد صفحات: ۲۰ صفحه

 فرمت: Word


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E Service Quality

As Deming (1986) suggests improved quality has long been recognized as a means to increase profitability and ensure long-run survival in a constantly changing business environment (Sebastianelli, et al., 2005) Early scholarly writings on Service quality suggested that service quality stems from a comparison of what customers feel a company should offer with the company’s actual service performance (Parasuraman et al., 2005) Similarly Lewis and Mitchell (1990) described service as the difference between customer expectations of service and perceived service. If expectations are greater than performance, then perceived quality is less than satisfactory and hence customer dissatisfaction occurs. It took some time before marketers fully appreciated the potential impact of the Internet on marketing practices (Boshoff, 2007) However, the realization eventually dawned that if this new technology is to be used as a channel of distribution, consumer needs and customer satisfactio n will be as important as always (Wang, Tang and Tang 2001) and a higher degree of e-Service quality has been considered to be one of the main entrepreneurial targets (Barrutia et. al, 2009) In fact, high e-SQ levels have been linked to better and more efficient (cf. Rust & Lemon, 2001) relations with customers, a greater ability to attract potential customers higher competitiveness and higher long-term profit levels for companies (Barrutia et. al, 2009). Delivering high quality service is considered an essential strategy for business success and survival (Reichheld & Schefter 2000) Insights from studies dealing with people-technology interactions imply that customer evaluation of new technologies is a distinct process (Parasuraman, et al., 2005) and Mick and Fournier (1995) suggest that (a) customer satisfaction with such products involves a highly complex, meaning-laden, long-term process; (b) the process might vary across different customer segments; and (c) satisfaction in such contexts is not always a function of preconsumption comparison standards (Parasuraman, et. Al, 2005).


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