Logistics and transportation information systems in Turkey: e-government perspectives

Logistics and transportation information systems in Turkey: e-government perspectives


The purpose of this paper is to make an overall research on transport applications and discuss the critical success factors of e-transport applications in Turkey.

Based on literature review on e-government applications, this paper builds on theoretical understanding of critical success factors in e-transport applications.

Considering the critical success factors in transport related e-government services in Turkey, increasing logistics and transportation activities, national information system strategy towards the advanced information technology applications, adoption of European Union and international standards, awareness of transport industry about the importance of information technology, new regulations for information technology, priorities in providing financial incentives for information technology based innovation projects are determined as some of the opportunities for the development of information technology in Turkey. In terms of threats, insufficient use of e-transport services due to security and privacy problems, need for substantial financial resources, fragmented nature of organizational aspects, limited number of information technology providers in transport applications, insufficient amount of R&D and need for substantial financial resources are determined as threats for transport related government services.

Research limitations/implications:
This paper is considered only for e-transport applications in Turkey.

Practical implications:
The results can be used to develop policies to increase e-government adoption.

Critical success factors method addresses the requirements for developing e-government policies.

Keywords: Transportation, Information systems, Turkey

Paper type: Conceptual paper

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Information systems perform three vital roles in any type of organization: they support business operations, managerial decision making, and strategic competitive advantage. The application and development of IT have already had significant effects on the field of logistics and transportation. Owing to this development; business operation, up and downstream partnership in supply chains and customer relationship are changing. It is emphasized that passing information to all parties in the supply chains via IT will improve performances (Disney et al., 2004). IT has been promoted as a means to enhance logistics competitiveness.

It is seen as one of the few factors which has been proved to have the capability of increasing logistics competence and decreasing its costs simultaneously (Closs et al., 1997; Stock and Lambert, 2001). Today both governments and intergovernmental organizations are all devoting their efforts to searching for chances of new development and application of IT. Globalization of logistics and transportation activities due to advances in technology, globalization of trade and supply chain management further required IT for smooth operation in global markets. As Sethi (2006) emphasized, transport provides a catalytic role in introducing development in all areas. As it is known, transport is also an important part of e-government applications. The aim of this research is to define the critical success factors in e-transport applications so that it will be possible to define the framework for removing a barrier in development in a developing country, Turkey.

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