مقاله انگلیسی: بررسی کیفیت خدمات، رضایت مشتری و وفاداری در بازار هواپیمایی چین

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Integration of standardization and customization: Impact on service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty

ترجمه عنوان مقاله: بررسی کیفیت خدمات، رضایت مشتری و وفاداری در بازار هواپیمایی چین

رشته: مدیریت بازاریابی

سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۷

تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی: 7 صفحه

منبع: ساینس دایرکت

نوع فایل: pdf

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Customer loyalty is a source of competitive advantage and an important intangible asset to any organisations, but empirical evidence from China’s airline market regarding the determinants of passenger satisfaction and loyalty is lacking. This paper investigates the service quality of four major airlines in China’s domestic market and explores the links between their service quality and customer satisfaction, as well as the conditions under which airlines can retain existing passengers. In line with previous studies, service quality variables are significant factors in fluencing customer satisfaction levels. However, satisfactory service was not found to result in higher customer loyalty among business travellers. In comparison to Hainan Airlines, passengers who travelled with Air China, China Southern and China Eastern were more likely to switch to an alternate carrier, indicating lower levels of brand loyalty.
In addition, the frequent flyer programs (FFPs) have been largely a failure for the four major airlines in terms of increasing customer loyalty, as revealed in this study. It is necessary to draw distinctions between business and leisure travellers when studying the determinants of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Ticket pricing had a positive and signifi cant effect on passengers’ overall satisfaction and in turn strengthened customer loyalty among leisure travellers, but achieved no impact on the satisfaction and loyalty of business passengers. Some demographic variables such as gender, income and education are statistically signi ficant for one group of passengers but not for another in the probit models estimated. It is suggested that different marketing strategies may be used to target different market segments to improve customer loyalty.
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty, Airline service quality, Chinese airlines
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China has been the second largest aviation market in the world in terms of the volumes of passengers and air cargo moved in its domestic market since 2007. In 2014 the whole industry handled 392 million passengers and 5.9 million tonnes of air cargo, a 10.7% and 5.9% increase from the previous year, respectively (Civil Aviation Administration of China, 2015). China’s airline market is a growing market underpinned by a huge population and rapid economic growth. IATA (2014) forecasts that China will overtake US as the largest air passenger market by around 2030 as measured by traffic to, from and within a country.
However, until the late 1990s most Chinese airlines, which emerged from the monolithic Chinese government-owned carrier CAAC, had failed to establish brand images and develop favourable reputations among consumers. With more and more foreign airlines flying to China in the 1990s, Chinese consumers had begun to question why the state-owned Chinese airlines could not provide services similar to their foreign counterparts, especially in the events of flight delays and cancellations.


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