مقاله انگلیسی آزمایش میدانی بر روی رسانه های حزبی و مشارکت در یک نظام رسانه ای تازه آزادشده

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Partisan Media and Engagement: A Field Experiment in a Newly Liberalized System

ترجمه عنوان مقاله: آزمایش میدانی بر روی رسانه های حزبی و مشارکت در یک نظام رسانه ای تازه آزادشده

رشته: مدیریت

سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۵

تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی: ۲۰ صفحه

منبع: tandfonline.com

نوع فایل: pdf

دانلود رایگان مقاله


How does media exposure affect political engagement in newly liberalized systems? Some celebrate newly vibrant and diverse media, believing that they mobilize citizens. Others worry that these outlets, which are often partisan, dampen engagement. We theorize that exposure to political programming engenders interest in politics irrespective of program bias, but that interest does not necessarily beget action. Partisan media affect participation only when altering attitude strength, and thus motivations. To evaluate media effects on interest and participation, we conducted a field experiment in Ghana, in which subjects in tro-tros (commuter vans) were randomly exposed to different types of live talk radio. We find that partisan and nonpartisan media increased political interest, but not participation. Instead, exposure to alternate perspectives on cross-cutting media (i.e., those biased against subjects’ partisan preferences) heightened ambivalence and dampened participation, measured as signing a petition to parties. Partisan media simultaneously increased interest and decreased participation.

Keywords: Africa, engagement field experiment, participation, partisan media




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