مقاله امرالد: بازار و مرزهای بازار: یک رویکرد عمل اجتماعی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Markets and market boundaries: a social practice approach

ترجمه عنوان مقاله: بازار و مرزهای بازار: یک رویکرد عمل اجتماعی

رشته: بازاریابی

سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۷

تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی: ۲۰ صفحه

منبع: Emerald

نوع فایل: pdf

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Purpose: The paper contributes to the debate on a general theory of markets. The purpose of this paper is to develop a market practice model based on social practice theories, and explore new ways of describing market boundaries.

Design/methodology/approach: A conceptual analysis of contemporary marketing directions and market theorizations provides a basis for defining markets and market boundaries in terms of social practices and their performances by market actors.

Findings: Based on the market performances held in place by institutional practices that define, contextualize and stabilize a market, this paper defines market boundaries by nine specific categories of practices, described here as parameters.

Research limitations/implications: This is a conceptual paper. Future research using empirical evidence derived from situated nvestigations should endeavor to refine the model and practices that define market boundaries.

Originality/value: The paper provides a new conceptualization of markets and market boundaries from the social practice perspective, and advances contemporary market theorizing that puts services at the center of exchange. The paper offers managerial implications by describing alternative means for analyzing markets and developing corresponding competitive strategies. Furthermore, the conception of market boundaries as nine parameters provides insights beyond the geographic and price boundaries typically used to describe market limits and exchange processes when developing policy.

Keywords: Theory, Markets, Market boundaries, Social practice

Type: Conceptual paper

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While the dominant logic and direction of marketing theorizing has received much recentattention, there is a divergence of understandings and conceptualizations of markets, and a growing yet inconclusive movement toward a redefinition of markets (Storbacka and Nenonen, 2011a). Theorists have called for the development of a market conception that reflects contemporary theorizing of markets and marketing, which in turn can lead and direct future theorizations within the discipline (Kjellberg et al. , 2012; Mele et al. , 2014). In particular, Webster and Lusch (2013, p. 239) assert that “ the market discipline faces an urgent need for rethinking of its fundamental purpose, premises, and implicit models that have defined marketing for at least the past 50 years. ”Similarly, Storbacka and Nenonen (2011a, p. 241) note that “marketing has, despite its name, not paid much attention to markets. Marketing literature typically either neglects to define market constructs altogether, or adopts definitions from economics.



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