مقاله اسپرینگر مروری بر تئوری نمایندگی اقلیت

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:An overview of the theory of Minority representation

ترجمه عنوان مقاله: مروری بر تئوری نمایندگی اقلیت

رشته: مدیریت

سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۰

تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی: ۱۰ صفحه

منبع: springer

نوع فایل: pdf

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The Italian Savings Protection Act, as amended, also introduced Article 147- ter (3) to the Italian Securities Act. It provides that at least one member of the board of directors must be selected from among the candidates on the minority shareholders’ list that is second in terms of number of votes cast at the general meeting. If the company has adopted a dual corporate governance structure with a supervisory board and a management board, the representation of minority shareholders is guaranteed only at the supervisory board level.
Members of the board of statutory auditors must also be appointed using the same list-based voting system (Article 148(2) of the Italian Securities Act). All shareholders have the right to propose a candidate list (Article 144- sexies of Consob’s Regulation on Issuers, implementing Article 148 of the Italian Securities Act), unless the company’s by-laws have a minimum share ownership threshold, which may not be higher than the thresholds specified in the by-laws for purposes of electing the board of directors.




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